
Sunday, July 08, 2012

Never Seconds

Photo borrowed from Never Seconds blog -

I wanted to introduce you folks to the young, amazing, and delightful Martha Payne from Scotland.  She blogs about her school dinners to create awareness for a foundation called Mary's Meals which feeds school children in Malawi.  Martha, who goes by VEG on her blog Never Seconds (it stands for Veritas Ex Gustu, truth from tasting, in Latin) photographs her school dinners, rates them and gives an interesting look into the life of a 9 year old primary school pupil.

She is absolutely darling and I fully encourage you to read her blog, and if you feel  like it, donate to Mary's Meals, it is only 6p (6 pence) to feed a child.

This week VEG is away on holiday and an equally lovely young lady from Wales is blogging in VEG's absence.  BLODWYN or BLOD writes half the posts in Welsh (there's even homework for the readers!) and then in English to practise her language.  It's very fun and you should pop on over!

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