
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Morrison - Part Three

Our last few days in Morrison saw a frenzy of cleaning and small flurries of sorting the last few piles.  

Socks were scrubbed in the sink and hung up to try and "dry" despite the humidity.

We settled on pizza for dinner, followed by delicious Whitey's Ice Cream, which is on par with Husky's in West Seattle or Tillamook.

One evening we took a drive after supper, pausing at the house that is always decorated (in some way or another) for Halloween.

We said hello to my Grandpa George and Grammie Lou, nibbling some salmon and cornbread in their honors.

Garden Plain Cemetary provided a gorgeous view of the sunset over cornfields.

A quick jaunt over the mighty Mississippi River found us in Fulton, Iowa and I took a gander at their windmill.  It was built by Dutch artisans who had settled in the country.

Finally the movers came to pack up furniture and boxes we had scrounged up from around Morrison.  Empty packing boxes are difficult to be gotten.

Ralph was found visiting us girls in the downstairs bathroom.  I didn't squish him, instead trapped him in a tumbler and deposited him amongst the peonies.  I hope he forgives me for squashing his brother!

Deer Scott was dismounted and packed up ready to head off to his new home in Seattle.  The movers got a good chuckle out of his oddness.

On Friday, Mom's birthday, we went to the local museum to view Anna Hanford's wedding dress which we pleaded to have a look at.  I was hoping to merely look at it safely in the box, however the docents at the museum went above and beyond the call of duty.  They put the dress on a mannequin, brought out other garments that were donated by the family, AND they bought a cake!  It really was too much, but we were grateful and delighted to spend the time with them.

The dress

Me and my namesake's wedding dress!

Three generations of Wildi Girls!

The sad thing about being in the midwest was how much people needed it to rain.  Farmers were in the midst of a drought which threatened the success of their corn crops.  The soy crops seemed okay, but the corn was in a waiting period to see if it would survive or must be ploughed over.  There are three kinds of corn crop; field corn, sweet corn, and seed corn.  Field corn is animal feed, sweet corn is for people to eat, and seed corn is carefully irrigated to preserve next season's crop.  Seed corn will always survive because it must.  Field corn and sweet corn don't get such careful preservation.  It was fascinating for this City Mouse to be reminded that some people succeed or fail by their crops.  

In order to move a large roll top desk I had to remove one piece of door moulding.  It was very cleverly done with the hallway joint appearing to be mitered and the inside appearing to butt up against each other.  Before I replaced it, we decided to write a message on the interior.  
The Kentfield-Wildi Home
Filled with Family and Love
We enjoy leaving little notes as much as we love to find them.  I found it very fitting.

On Sunday Ann and Aunt Marion went off to church before Mum and I left for the airport.

Pictures were snapped in front of the Ginko, as per tradition.

We departed, leaving Karin to mind the house.  It was a funny feeling, knowing that I would probably never be back and it felt like this was the first time I had ever been.  I am so happy the house will be filled with laughter and a new family.  As if it will be able to shake off some dust and be a home again. Someday, should we find ourselves in Morrison, I am sure we will pause to visit the House on Grape Street but for now we say farewell, and thanks for all the memories!

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