
Monday, September 17, 2012

University District Farmer's Market

One sunny Saturday, a few weeks ago, I finally ventured up to our Farmer's Market here in the U-District.  Every Saturday from 9 -2 you can find a plethora of vendors (and yummy food!) at the community center at 50th and The Ave.

I was specifically looking for vendors that sold grass fed beef (See my King Corn post) and how much that might cost.  Turns out there were at least two stands that had ground beef for around $5 a pound, by the pound.

Samish Bay is where I purchased my beef this time, they also make utterly delightful cheeses that you can purchase by the wheel, half, or nibble.

Olsen Farms will have to be tried next time, but they also looked tasty!  Man, did they have a lot of potatoes!  I've never seen so many varieties.  I wanted to buy one of each just to have a potato-tasting party. (Do people do that?)  

Ginger Beer...yum!  Not actually alcoholic, but fermented in the brewing process, these lovely ladies make a spritzy, delicious ginger beer that I'm going to have to get next time I go.

Blackberries!  Have I told you about how much I love blackberries?  Probably.  I have made a personal vow to ALWAYS lick my plate CLEAN whenever blackberries are involved.  So far, I have kept this promise and still kept my decorum amongst society.  Still.  Blackberries=love.

I came home with a flat of blackberries (baked into a pie) carrots (yum!), Spring Blossom Honey, and a bottle of Rockridge Orchards Cobblestone Hard Apple Cider.  Seriously the best hard apple cider I've ever had, yet.  
There are so many more vendors at this market, it can get a little dizzying, and so many things I have yet to try.  I found it to be reasonable for my student budget and many of the vendors do take debit/credit cards.  Just ask.  Also, if you miss some of them here in the U-district, many of the vendors sell at the West Seattle Farmer's Market on Sunday.  
Happy discoveries!

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