
Monday, May 06, 2013

The Good in the World

It's Monday.  Often it's the difficult day of the week because we're all still luxuriating in the weekend, so I have a pick-me-up for ya!

This video, from dash cams in Russia made me all fuzzy inside, and perhaps tear up a little.  It's not the cats that were rescued, or the mama duck and her ducklings.  Not the wonderful people who towed or pushed other cars back onto the road.  It was the people, mostly men, who stopped their vehicles, got out and helped elderly ladies cross a busy road.  In America, we take little notice of elders, particularly as young people.  They're grandparents who are visited occasionally, but we don't live with them like people in other places do.  They aren't another set of parents, a source of wisdom and comfort.  While mine weren't necessarily all of that, I did love them and have a very soft spot in my heart for elders.
If you see someone who needs some help, try offering.  Give them a smile and an arm.  It's unusual for the older folks and they'll love you for it.
I was at a show at the Paramount where the stairs to the ladies room are quite steep.  People were flowing up and down around this tiny woman at the top.  Holding on to the railing and peering down nervously.  I stepped up beside her, letting traffic flow around me, and offered to walk her down the stairs.  She smiled and took my arm, and we chatted amicably as we descended like queens. Slow, stately.
There, at the bottom was her husband, looking around for her.  He relaxed when he saw I was helping her down the stairs.  At the bottom, I bid her good day and handed off the darling to her sweet hubby.  They thanked me and went in for the second half of the show.

I don't tell you this to pat myself on the back, I tell you this as an example.  It works, and you end up glowing with happiness after you do it.  Always ask if someone would like some help.  It's like that scene in the movie Amelie, where she helps the blind man to the entrance of the subway.  You'll end up all glowy, just like him.


p.s. - when offering a hand to an elderly person, be ready to take some of their weight.  Go slowly and don't rush them.  They can be fragile creatures, who need someone to be a little stronger than they are.  

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