Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Queens of The Night

1770's Queen of the Night

Children's Production Queen of the Night

Bowie Inspired/Music Video Queen of the Night
(my personal favourite)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Always winter...

There has been knitting, there has been painting, writing, drinking and school.  This endless school feels the same way to me as this part of Winter seems to other people.  Endless...
I just want the Spring.  I really want Summer.  I want shorts, sandals, soft cotton on hot days.  No school and endless sewing projects just for fun!  So I muddle along, knitting always close at hand.  Never enough pictures though.  I need to sew some buttons onto a baby ensemble I've made for a friend.   Nate's socks are terribly neglected, and I have a yummy plum coloured capelet clicking away.  Knitting does wonders for getting through Physics class!  For now, I leave you with one of my Queens.  We're rendering costumes for Mozart's Queen of the Night from The Magic Flute.  One from 1770's, one from a children's production, and one from a modern Music video.  I'll have pictures soon, as I'm rather pleased with how they all turned out.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Shadowing at the Seattle Repertory

I was so chuffed to be able to sit in the tech booth at the Seattle Repertory Theatre last night with my Stage Manager instructor.  It was like be in heaven!  It also solidified my desire to intern with them over the summer if I can.