Saturday, November 02, 2013

Photo an Hour - Costume Load In!

7:30 am. 

8:30- checking email from bed where it is warm.

9:30am - grabbed a 70 full of darling kids headed to the art museum.

10am - reworking some costumes in the dye room.

11am- still dying. Watching water boil since there is a class in costume shop.

12pm - all clean!


1:30pm - Emily hugs the "show baby" as my eyes get a touch misty.

2pm - first look at our beautiful set.

3pm - costumes are all settled in to their new home.

4pm - Lunch (finally!) and going over to-do lists with the aid of some cider.

6pm - done with a meeting and time for silly hats. All is quiet in the costume shop.

7pm - finishing up last little bits while Pandora Radio blasts "90's Alternative" music.

8pm - snack and coffee break time! Double Chocolate + Stout Cookies!

9pm - um. Maybe time to go home...

9:30pm - all clean and ready for tomorrow! Good night costumes!

10pm - Lenora st is quiet and sparkly.

10:30pm - bussing home!

11pm - Greeting committee. Time for bed little monsters! 

Hope you have enjoyed a look into a day of a costume design student. We hit Tech this weekend! Whee and uffda! 
