Friday, July 15, 2011

The Passing of a Generation

It's been a while!  Goodness.  I've been busy with life and work, as well as things that I've been making. I enjoyed the production meeting for Cornish's production of Pride and Prejudice in the fall.  Lots of wonderful ideas.
My family said good-bye to my paternal grandfather on Father's Day.  It seems odd to be happy for someone to pass away.  While I miss my grandpa, I am happy to know he is without pain or suffering and dancing up a storm with my grandma who went before him.  I know they are both happy now and that thought comforts me. His memorial service was last Sunday and it was a beautiful celebration of family.  We ate good food, told stories, and passed out some of his treasures to his children to be cherished and used.  How odd that generations should pass so close to each other.  I just don't think about how you will loose a generation fairly close to each other.  I lost my maternal grandfather in 2009, and now my paternal grandfather in 2011.  I have one step-grandmother left.  It's sad to think of the generation lost with their wisdom and stories.  Makes me wish I had asked them more questions, had them tell me more stories.  Lessons, wisdom passed from the old to the young.

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